Études byzantines et post-byzantines

Launched in 1979

Études byzantines et post-byzantines (EBPB) is a peer-reviewed annual journal (ISSN: 0259-0913), published under the auspices of the Romanian Society for Byzantine Studies, featuring state-of-the-art research in Byzantine and post-Byzantine studies. EBPB was founded in 1979, under the direction of Nicolae-Șerban Tanașoca and Eugen Stănescu. In 2019, under the direction of Andrei Timotin, the EBPB launched a new yearly series, published with Herlo Verlag in Heidelberg.

For information on submission and peer-review process, see below.


Andrei Timotin, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris

advisory board

Ivan Biliarsky, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia
Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Elena Boeck, DePaul University, Chicago
Lia Brad Chisacof, Institute for South-East European Studies, Bucharest
Marie-Hélène Congourdeau, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris
Vincent Déroche, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris
Bernard Heyberger
, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris
Paschalis Kitromilides, University of Athens
Alexandru Madgearu
Institute for Political Studies of Defense and Military History, Bucharest
Paul Magdalino, University of St Andrews
Athanasios Markopoulos
, University of Athens
Paolo Odorico
, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris
Andrei Pippidi
, Institute for South-East European Studies, Bucharest
Srđan Pirivatrić
, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade
Claudia Rapp
, University of Vienna
Antonio Rigo
, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Juan Signes Codoñer, Complutense University of Madrid 
Tereza Sinigalia
, National University of Arts, Bucharest
Tudor Teoteoi, University of Bucharest
Pablo Ubierna
, University of Buenos Aires

editorial board

Vlad Bedros, National University of Arts, Bucharest
Ovidiu Cristea, Nicolae Iorga Institute of History, Bucharest
Mircea Duluș, Institute for South-East European Studies, Bucharest
Ioana Feodorov, Institute for South-East European Studies, Bucharest
Petre Guran, Institute for South-East European Studies, Bucharest
Oana Iacubovschi, Institute for South-East European Studies, Bucharest
Mihail Mitrea, Institute for South-East European Studies, Bucharest
Simona Nicolae, Institute for South-East European Studies, Bucharest
Ovidiu Olar, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban, Institute for the History of Religions, Bucharest
Ionuț-Alexandru Tudorie, St Vladimir’s Theological Seminary, New York
Mihai Țipău, Institute for South-East European Studies, Bucharest

New series, vol. 5 (XII), 2023

Legacies and Entanglements: Religious Identity, Cultural Tradition and Political Order in the Byzantine Sphere

Editors: Nunzio Bianchi and Mircea Duluș

Contributors: György Geréby, Daniel Oltean, Linda Safran, Mircea Duluș, Michele Trizio, Nunzio Bianchi, Chiara D’Agostini, Antonio Rigo, Florin Leonte, Mihai Țipău, Radu G. Păun

New series, vol. 4 (XI), 2022

Byzantine Heritages in South-Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period

Editors: Andrei Timotin, Srđan Pirivatrić, and Oana Iacubovschi

Contributors: Srđan Pirivatrić, Nebojša Porčić, Bojan Popović, Milena Davidović, Petre Guran, Oana Iacubovschi, Andrei Dumitrescu, Elisabeta Negrău, Cristina Bogdan, Miloš Živković, Mihail-George Hâncu, Tudor Teoteoi, Mihail Mitrea, Maja Nikolić, Marija Vasiljević

New series, vol. 3 (X), 2021

Afterlives of Byzantine Monuments in Post-Byzantine Times

Proceedings of the session held at the 12th International Congress of South-East European Studies (Bucharest, 2-6 September 2019).

Editor: Elena N. Boeck

Contributors: Elena N. Boeck, Maria Alessia Rossi, Charles Barber, Alice Isabella Sullivan, Michalis Kappas, Sercan Yandim Aydin, Mariëtte Verhoeven, Ljubomir Milanovic

To order the book

Price: 45 EUR, shipping in the EU included. For orders, request a proforma invoice at office@darksolutions.ro. After the proforma is issued, payment can be made in the bank account RO52BTRLEURCRT0330558301.

Price for orders within Romania: 90 RON. For orders, request a proforma invoice at office@darksolutions.ro. After the proforma is issued, payment can be made in the bank account RO05BTRLRONCRT0330558301. The volume is also available at Doxologia (Iași) and Eminescu (Bucharest) bookstores.

New series, vol. 2 (IX), 2020

La culture écrite des périphéries byzantines du Moyen-Âge à l’époque moderne

Actes de la session organisée dans le cadre du XIIe Congrès international d’études sud-est européennes (Bucarest, 2-6 septembre 2019).

Editor: Paolo Odorico

Contributors: Paolo Odorico, Sergio Basso, Nedim Buyukyuksel, Charis Messis, Romina Luzi, Elena Nonveiller, Sabine Fahl, Dieter Fahl, Ioana Feodorov, Xavier Agati, Aspasia Dimitriadi, Efstratia Synkellou

To order the book

Price: 35 EUR, shipping in the EU included. For orders, request a proforma invoice at office@darksolutions.ro. After the proforma is issued, payment can be made in the bank account RO52BTRLEURCRT0330558301.

Price for orders within Romania: 45 RON. For orders, request a proforma invoice at office@darksolutions.ro. After the proforma is issued, payment can be made in the bank account RO05BTRLRONCRT0330558301. The volume is also available at Doxologia (Iași) and Eminescu (Bucharest) bookstores.

New series, vol. 1 (VIII), 2019

Faith and Community around the Mediterranean. 
In Honor of Peter R. L. Brown.

Editors: Petre Guran and David A. Michelson

Contributors: Peter R. L. Brown, Claudia Rapp, David A. Michelson, Craig H. Caldwell III, Philippa Townsend, Petre Guran, Nelu Zugravu, Mark Sheridan, Kevin Kalish, Jack Tannous, Uriel Simonsohn, Thomas A. Carlson, Maria Mavroudi, Hegumenos Dionysius Shlenov, Matthew J. Milliner

To order the book

Price: 35 EUR, shipping in the EU included. For orders, request a proforma invoice at office@darksolutions.ro. After the proforma is issued, payment can be made in the bank account RO52BTRLEURCRT0330558301.

Price for orders within Romania: 45 RON. For orders, request a proforma invoice at office@darksolutions.ro. After the proforma is issued, payment can be made in the bank account RO05BTRLRONCRT0330558301. The volume is also available at Doxologia (Iași) and Eminescu (Bucharest) bookstores.

Old series, vol. VII, 2016

Editors: Nicolae Șerban-Tanașoca and Alexandru Madgearu

Contributors: Ionuț Holubeanu, Șerban V. Marin, Alexandru Madgearu, Sergiu Iosipescu, Elisabeta Negrău, Ștefan Ionescu Berechet, Andrei Timotin, Mihail George Hâncu, Dragoș Gh. Năstăsoiu, Ion I. Croitoru

Old series, vol. VI, 2011

Editors: Emilian Popescu and Tudor Teoteoi

Contributors: Ionuț Holubeanu, Emilian Popescu, Tudor Teoteoi, Alexandru Suceveanu, Alexandru Madgearu, Ștefan Ionescu Berechet, Adrian Matei Alexandrescu, Dan Gh. Teodor, Mihai Ovidiu Cățoi, Andrei Timotin, Gabriel Custurea, Cristina Paraschiv-Talmațchi, Florina Fodac-Mureșan, Ginel Lazăr, Vasile Adrian Carabă, Ștefan Alexandru, Manuela Dobre, Petre Guran, Dan Ioan Mureșan, Petre Ș. Năsturel, Alexandru Simon, Oana Iacubovschi, Maria Alexandru, Lidia Cotovanu, Zamfira Mihail, Oana Mădălina Popescu, Cătălina Velculescu, Ovidiu Olar, Mihai Țipău, Adrian Marinescu, Günter Paulus Schiemenz

Old series, vol. V, 2006

Editors: Emilian Popescu and Tudor Teoteoi

Contributors: Emilian Popescu, Metropolitan Daniel of Moldavia, Mihail Spătărelu, Ștefan S. Gorovei, Maria Magdalena Székely, Tudor Teoteoi, Ștefan Ștefănescu, Ștefan Ionescu Berechet, Mihăiță Gh. Bratu, Dan Gh. Teodor, Costel Chiriac, Petre Diaconu, Alexandru Madgearu, Mihai Ovidiu Cățoi, Ionuț Holubeanu, Petre Guran, Dimitri Nastase, Șerban Papacostea, Ernest Oberländer-Târnoveanu, Vitalie Josanu, Manuela Dobre, Ion Rizea, Tudor Dinu, Andrei Pippidi, Zamfira Mihail, Florina Fodac

Old series, vol. IV, 2002

Editors: Emilian Popescu and Tudor Teoteoi

Contributors: Emilian Popescu, Dan Gh. Teodor, Ernest Oberländer-Târnoveanu, Alexandru Madgearu, Gheorghe Mănucu-Adameșteanu, Costel Chiriac, Florina Fodac, Ștefan Andreescu, Octavian Iliescu, Vasile Muntean, Tudor Teoteoi, Petre Ș. Năsturel, Dan Ioan Mureșan, Adrian Marinescu, Petre Guran, Mihai Țipău, Sergiu Haimovici

Old series, vol. III, 1997

Editors: Emilian Popescu and Tudor Teoteoi

Contributors: Emilian Popescu, Tudor Teoteoi, Alexandru Barnea, Costel Chiriac, Dan Gh. Teodor, Ioan Barnea, Gheorghe Mănucu-Adameșteanu, Ernest Oberländer-Târnoveanu, Octavian Iliescu, Stelian Brezeanu, Andrei Pippidi, Vasile Merticariu

Old series, vol. II, 1991

Editors: Emilian Popescu, Octavian Iliescu, and Tudor Teoteoi

Contributors: Emilian Popescu, Adrian Rădulescu, Ioan Barnea, Dan Gh. Teodor, Petre Diaconu, Tudor Teoteoi, Stelian Brezeanu, Victor Spinei, Șerban Papacostea, Octavian Iliescu, Ernest Oberländer-Târnoveanu, Emanuela Popescu-Mihuț, Valentin Al. Georgescu, Marin Cojoc, Adrian Gabor, Vasile Merticariu

Old series, vol. I, 1979

Editors: Eugen Stănescu and Nicolae-Șerban Tanașoca

Contributors: Octavian Iliescu, Petre Diaconu, Silvia Baraschi, Stelian Brezeanu, Tudor Teoteoi, Nicolae-Șerban Tanașoca, Valentin Al. Georgescu, Ariadna Camariano-Cioran, Radu Crețeanu, Maria Ana Musicescu, Corina Nicolescu, Eugenia Greceanu, Dan Ionescu, Andrei Pippidi

Information for authors

The journal EBPB invites high-quality contributions from scholars around the globe in Byzantine and post-Byzantine studies. It only accepts original and unpublished work. Please submit your paper by e-mail to the editorial board at epbp@srsb.ro. Papers must be submitted in both word.doc and in pdf format. They will be accompanied by an English summary of approximately 1,500 characters. Images will be sent in separate files, in high definition (at least 300 dpi), either by email or other internet file-transfer facilities. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright holder to use copyrighted material. Style notes available here.

Accepted language(s)
English, French, Italian, German

Peer review
Each paper is first thoughtfully assessed by two specialist members of the editorial board. In the case of a desk rejection, the author(s) will be informed within one month of the submission date. Upon the positive assessment of the editorial board, the paper will undergo a double-blind peer review by external specialists, unaffiliated with author(s)’ institutions. The decision and feedback will be send to the author(s) within three months of the submission date. In the case of thematic volumes, the responsibility for ensuring the peer review of the articles belongs to the editor(s) of the volume.

1 issue/year

All parties involved in the act of publishing must agree with the standards of expected editorial ethics. The ethics statements for the EBPB are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. Submitted papers are evaluated for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors. All contributions submitted for review are treated as confidential documents and are not to be shown or discussed with others except if authorized by the editor-in-chief.

The authors should submit original and hitherto unpublished research, and not under review elsewhere. The attribution of a contribution to one or more author(s) should reflect the reality. It is unethical to omit names of scholars who contributed to the research. All researchers who made a significant contribution should be listed as co-authors. When submitting a text for publication, authors should disclose any possible conflict of interest (personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial) that could affect their objectivity in a cover letter and/or footnote to the manuscript. All forms of plagiarism, ranging from literally copying someone else’s work to paraphrasing another researcher’s ideas or copying their research methods without giving due credit, is considered unacceptable.

Privacy statement
The names published in this journal and on this site will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Contact information
See here.